Here at Narrative, our main goals are to create a fun, active, and welcoming community for all of our members. We are committed to maintaining this atmosphere, and would love to have you be apart of it. Before going any further, please read the rules below to gain an understanding of what we expect from everyone. If you are still interested, and your role is available, submit an application here.
↘ Adds will take place every three days, after 9:30 pm PST, and the exact date will be posted in the application post., Please make sure you check that to find out when the next set of adds will be!

↘ Set up a journal for the celebrity you wish to apply as. Usernames should only include some variation of your celebrities legal or stage/professional name. We ask that no extra words/letters, numbers, or underscores be used. As far as nicknames go, this will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Rule of thumb: if a celebrity goes by a nickname publicly, we will probably accept it as a username. However, that is not a guarantee. Also keep in mind that your role must be a celebrity in their own right, and "Internet celebrities" are not being accepted.

↘ A new "friends only" post within your journal should be posted, and we ask that the date of this post reflect the month and day of your submitted application. We also ask that you have a screened out of character contact post. Any information pertaining to your portrayal of the celebrity of your choosing that does not reflect the real life of your celebrity may be posted here if you find it necessary.

↘ We require examples to be reviewed upon submission of the application. No more than one journal entry and one scene is required. Examples may be locked in your journal or a compilation journal. One challenge per role will be allowed. This means that two applications for the same role will be considered. In the event of a challenge, more examples may be needed.

↘ If you would like to override an existing member/celebrity in the community, please comment us here to ensure that the role is available for override before submitting an application. In general, roles will be available for override if a member hasn't been active in some way (commenting, posting in subcommunities, etc.) for three weeks.

↘ The privacy of our members is extremely important to us. For that reason, we ask that any potential members lock their journal entries to friends only (this includes your "friends only" post), and/or adjust your comment settings so that only those you have friended to your journal may comment. Additionally, we ask that all members refrain from participating in any activity that takes place in anonymous communities.

↘ Rejections will be based completely on the quality of writing in the examples provided. We will not nitpick over obvious typos, of course, but we do expect a certain standard of writing from our members. Aesthetics of a journal layout or icons used will never be a factor in our decisions on whether to accept or reject an application. If you are rejected, and have questions as to why this happened, please feel free to contact us here.

↘ As always, please respect the in character/out of character line. There is a zero tolerance policy in effect for any line crossing.
↘ Upon your acceptance here at Narrative, you are required to post an introduction in exposition within three days time. If no introduction is posted, you will be removed from the community.

↘ Updates within your journal that are visible on the friends page are required from all members (with the exception of those on hiatus, or those who have requested an extension here) once in a calendar month. Activity sweeps and removals of roles who have not been active within that calendar month will be conducted on the last day of the month, regardless of what day of the week that falls on. Any members accepted into the community after the 15th of a month will not be required to update until the following month. Please note that an update may be anything of your choosing, but we would like to see substantial updates as often as possible.

↘ Activity, beyond the monthly updates to avoid being removed, is also required. We would like to stress that we need to see you active in other aspects within the community (commenting other entries, replying to comments on posts you have made, and/or utilizing the subcommunities). Frequent "hit and run" type updates will not be tolerated here because interaction is vital to ensure that a community thrives.

↘ While we are aware that many members utilize a code that customizes their userinfo, thus making it difficult for us to ascertain whether or not friends lists have been updated, we would like to remind you that running the friends button as frequently as possible is important in order to be able to interact with all members.

↘ We know, and understand, that real life comes before roleplay - as it should be - and we will do our best to accommodate our members if ever a situation arises that requires a hiatus or an extension. If an absence is to exceed three weeks time, but you have every intention of remaining an active member of the community beyond that time frame, we encourage you to request a hiatus. If you need extra time to post an update that does not exceed a weeks time, you may instead request an extension. Requests for either may be dropped off here. Hiatuses are granted with the understanding that all forms of activity - specifically public activity - will cease for the duration of the hiatus.
↘ We do not need to approve any potential storylines that you and your SLP may want to play out. However, we do ask that everything is kept realistic and as in character as possible for the celebrity in question. In that same vein, we do not expect for you to play out real life pregnancies within your line, and will leave discretion of such occurrences up to you and anyone else directly affected by it.

↘ We have a zero tolerance policy for harassment, both in and out of character. Please leave the unnecessary drama at the door.

↘ As a final note, please understand that we are only human, and are prone to making mistakes just as much as anyone else may be. If you catch something, please feel free to bring it to our attention by sending as a PM or commenting us here. We are also open to any suggestions members may have, and will take anything and everything into consideration. We sincerely hope you enjoy your time here, and look forward to writing with you all.